Voting > 0verkill 

0verkill is bloody 2D action deathmatch-like game in ASCII-ART running under Linux, OS/2 and Windows.

Throw away Doom, Quake and Duke Nukem - 0verkill comes. Now you don't even need graphic mode if you wanna take a bloody deathmatch with your friends.

The ASCII art that has always fascinated you started to move finally. No one has ever thought that ASCII is an animable kind of art. Finally you can taste the original appearance of elaborate action in full 16 colors of your plain old text terminal. You never though that ASCII letters are capable of network-game action in such a massive manner.

No one ever connected gushing blood with that innocent ASII letters that were so utterly boring until short recently, when 0verkill was released.

05.1.2009 | Unregistered Commenterdbiggen

I vote yes for this game, you can make custom characters, entities, weapons, and levels. There is also a really nice pre-built level already there. Then somone can run the cross platform server and can share the levels, and there is in game chat. But best of all there is blood and gore in ASCII representation. So i definitely think that this would be a good game to play.

05.1.2009 | Unregistered Commenterjzman