Voting > Nexuiz

How about trying out the free (in my opinion better than quake) game for all platforms? Nexuiz is a fun fast paced game similar to quake and other deathmatch/capture the flag games.

Nexuiz Homepage

03.11.2009 | Unregistered CommenterXan Fantasy

Nexuiz FTW. I can haz lan partie?

Lets get to serious business, this game is not walk in the park. You need skill to play this, and a computer running Windows, Mac OSX or Linux.

I personally use it on Ubuntu and rarely on Vista.

If any game, let it be this one.

05.18.2009 | Unregistered CommenterCrazyClone

next lan party is nexuiz

05.20.2009 | Unregistered Commenterscalver